Tuesday, July 3, 2007

3 july...n counting down...

ok... i did quite badly for bio test... ms. r 's goin 2 call up mum i think... this would b e 1st time in my whole entire life tt a teacher would actually call up my parents...frm young until now, no teacher has EVER complained abt me... haiz... break record le...hahas... i think im gg abit siao le... laughing over my own misfortune... or perhapes i did earn it... nevertheless, i blink back my tears cos i dun wanna cry so easily...lyk hullo! im not VULNERABLE here... im no WEAKLING k?! i juz hv 2 jiayou until promos (n of course after alvls n stuff...) n yupz, look on e bright side of life! 只要笑一笑,没什么事情过不了的! =) muz hv confidence!!! since im gg for e cambridge trip too, i muz, all e more, work hard n show e teachers tt i m SO NOT e bottom end of our class!!! but of course, tt will only b applicable to me if i cum back frm london well n alive! hahas... no way im gonna juz die there... muz at least show tt i got work hard thru results!!! lols... by now, i think my family gg all 'touch wood' ... but reality is, i really dun wanna die this early... nvm... let's see how things go 2mrw... hope i did ok for gp! cos tts e only subj im ok in..lols.. tada! =)

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