Wednesday, July 18, 2007

wats wif emo-ing?!

ha.. my fren mich was emo-ing e whole time i was wif her together wif ruiyin.. wth.. she lyk suddenly ask me 'dawn, y u so dua pai?' which means me hvin tt kind of show-off airs.. i asked her would u kindly explain tt n she lyk ignored me totally.. =(

one more reason y i shld do tt is this: she later told me she didn't feel lyk living anymore.. say she dun wanna commit suicide cos too ugly.. she hoped tt e plane to cambridge will crash. lyk hullo?!@ u think u e only one on e plane ar?! wth.. u wanna die but i dun want lar! same for ch n rach.. how could she hv such an irresponsible way of thinking?! i dun care if she was juz sayin in a fit of anger.. but seriously, one shld always consider e fact tt a plane crash would involve e lives of hundreds of passengers, n not only herself. y can't she reflect b4 she say? i really wanted 2 tell her ' then u go jump down e building rite now.. since u think life is meaningless. ' but i stopped myself.. cos i wasn't tt close 2 her.. if i knew wat she was depressed abt, i will hv more rights 2 say tt n advise her.

but anyway, i dun wanna die tt young.. i still wanna graduate, hv a successful career..etc.. i hvnt completed alot of things, so how can i juz leave lyk this? no way!

im gg in good faith! =)

im gonna miss him.
tell me why.

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