Sunday, July 22, 2007

e closure of odac investiture for e 23rd comm

investiture's finally over! everything went smoothly thnx 2 keet n nweijie.. yupz! credits to them!!!

but i juz confirmed sumthing.. 我喜欢的人背叛了我的好朋友... damn sad lar! when she first told me tt.. i was lyk omtian.. i didn't expect 'her' to actually let the cat out of the bag.. even when 'she' told me tt she was e one.. i didn't believe.. thot 'she' was juz joking.. but no.. 'she' actually did..

i feel so confused.. she told me tt maybe i ought to consider n reflect if 'she' was really worth it. all the while i thot 'she' was 'miss perfect'. all e while i trusted 'her'. nvr thot 'she' would actually do this kind of thing. my fren said tt 'she' had a totally different personality frm me. 'she' was a mugger by nature, me, a slacker by nature. 2 people from 2 completely different worlds, having 2 different personalities. sounds kinda cliche. but its reality now. how?!

shld i not confront 'her' so as to not ruin our friendship? or should i juz go ahead n put my relationship at risk? really confused.. but wat i can confirm is tt if i do ruin this friendship, the game between me n my so-called 'opponent' will be gone. no more. GAMEOVER.

still working on it.

if i could escape
and recreate a place that's my own world
and i could be your favourite girl forever
Perfectly together
tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet?
if i could be sweet
i know i've been a real bad girl
i didn't mean for u to get hurt whatsoever
we can make it better
tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet?
- the sweet escape by gwen stefani

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