Thursday, June 28, 2007

hurray! midyr hell's finally OVER!!! but not for long...

i hv gd news and bad news..which one do u want? anyways, e gd news is, midyr's finally over!!! 3 cheers!!! e bad news... its gonna b real HELL for me once term officially, release of results.. im most probably gonna fail every subject except gp... gd luck 2 me man... im such a P.I.G at studying... Potential Idiot Graduate..hahas! so off i go 2 slack e whole fri.. n at e same time complete e gp hmwk... any1 wanna go out on fri can call me along... dun quite lyk e idea of coopin all fri at home... =( think i would most likely b emo-in abt results by mon.. hahas.. unless every1 did badly...which is kinda IMPOSSIBLE... wonder how's e feelin of bein in e last 5% of e whole lvl... hopefully i will face reality with optimism n pull thru e bad times.. for frens hu hv been helpin n encouragin me thruout e whole exam, thanx a mil !!! i really love u ppl n appreciate all e support u've given me.. well, cheers to u ppl!! =)

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