Tuesday, July 31, 2007

cambridge 1st day!!!

ok ppl.. here's e long awaited update on me at CAMBRIDGE!!!
1stly, weather here's abit chilly..
11 dgs..
cooler than normal aircon.. =)

all e buildings here are SO OLD!!!
naturally the building structure is really artistic..
really cool.
will try upload photos taken asap (by 2nite? now's morning!)

living conditions
bedroom V SMALL!!!
but cosy
haha.. n im sleepin alone!
im SO BRAVE =)

miss u guyz lotz!
wun name them if not later all cum looking for me..
but yes zhilin.. u r one of them.
ha u muz be laughing lyk siao now.
wish u ppl were here..
wenrou peilin gina mingyue khuibin jabba(i muz be mad) eugene (same here) yi herng lirong all odacians n everyone hu i noe!

hope to see u guyz soon! tt will be 2wks later.. piang.. i will go mad..hahas..
do chk for updates kk?
signin off,
dAwNi3 =)

*btw e food's great.. n ex too! love e salad=)

Monday, July 30, 2007

light after dark, dawn after dusk =)

everything's settled
i feel much lighter now

to you-know-who:
i think u shld know le..
i decided 2 give up
though its hard n takes time
i will accomplish de
staying as frens is gd enuf le=)

im really fine now

Sunday, July 29, 2007

giving up.

i dun deserve him anymore.

shall stay as frenz. =)

finally letting go.

no more lies.

im really sorry

Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say
but i think i owe him one

i admit i did tell her alot lyk e dessert/milo thing
but i didnt tell her abt tt thing which u told me alone n no-one else.
cos in e first place,
lyk hullo..
im e ONLY person hu know lei
no one has ever entrusted such a thing to me lar.
so there's e responsibility.

im not as irresponsible lyk sum ppl (u-know-hu)
i see the dire consequences if i do leak out.
i do hv logical reasoning k.

but pls dun b mad at me k?
its ok if u dun ever tell me anything.
juz hope u dun be angry wif me can le.
or perhapes tts too much for me to ask of u?

but nevertheless
thanx for trusting in me at least once
i appreciate it alot.

im not giving any excuse here.
so juz wanna admit
pls dun b mad le. =)

*if slappin me reduces ur anger, go ahead.
i think i deserve it.

and the tears keep falling.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

countdown 2 days...

o man..
flying off REAL soon
preparation notes-not done (u know how thick it is)
hmwk-not done
muz chiong 2mrw
packing-not done
e 'truth' thingy-not done N not prepared..
lyk who on earth will be lar?!
i dun think i even have e courage to say
even when i was telling u ppl tt i wanna do face-to-face
believe me..
its REALLY hard.
or should i juz keep things this way?
im super scared tt after i say then everything's gonna change
he wun dare to talk or look at me le..
i bet he wun even dare sit next to me anymore
our friendship will be GONE in a puff of smoke

many ppl told me i deserve better
do i really?
why do i keep hanging on to him?
tell me why.
he's a total mugger..
crazy abt sumthing tt im not as passionate abt
e total opp of me.
apparently his character is lyk almost mister perfect
sum1 juz not worth mentioning.
see the great diff between us?
maybe i shld juz let go.
maybe winning in the academic area is enough for me when playing tt GAME
maybe i will feel less pressurised

but nevertheless..
im getting excited
here i come!

*to all j1 odacians.. jiayou for 2 star course! will miss u guys lots at cambridge de.. esp gina!! =p

---fvhfof, l mjlf v

Thursday, July 26, 2007

4 days..n counting

i don't even realize how fast time is slipping by
can time stop?
i suddenly feel quite scared
afraid cos parents n frens not around
reluctant cos im gonna miss u guyz

wonder how's life gonna be lyk there..
so muz chiong
muz work hard
muz catch up wif you

hvnt packed my bag yet
my piano how?!
can i pack into my bag too?
im gonna take photos of my family and class 30/07
then i can bring the memories there too
hope i dun cry at night
sorry mich if i cry in front of u
im juz sad 2 be away

so 30/07..
pls pls be online kk?
in e morning or afternoon
7hrs difference
preferably switch on webcam

will try to blog consistently during my stay
keep this blog updated
signin off... =)

i know im gonna miss u really bad

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

countdown to cambridge.. 5 MORE DAYS!!!

omtian.. i didn't know its coming so soon..
feeling kinda nervous, excited, scared, reluctant
leaving behind family, frenz, home for 15 days.
tell me how am i gg 2 face life there?
maybe things will be better there

abt tt 30 july thing..
im not sure
shld i ?
or shld i not?
i tried out recently
response was ignorance.
tell me
am i suppose to read your mind?
or was the answer long ago known
obviously there, but i ignored
was too blind to see...
maybe it was juz my wishful thinking
it was juz a beautiful, perfect dream.

everytime u smile at me
it seems that everything's gonna be okay
it seems that my heart would stop beating for tt split second
it seems u melted everything away
leaving juz the 2 of us

but facing reality
its impossible
studies first right?
gotta catch up with you first
dun worry, i will. =)

walking to you takes courage
walking away from you requires even more courage
the tears juz keep falling
why can't i stop?
tell me why.

im juz gonna cherish every moment frm now until tt day
after tt, i won't be seeing you for 15 days.
do take care kk?
missing frens
sadness is in the air.
let the tears flow now.
cos when i see you, that's when i will smile. =)

Monday, July 23, 2007

jubilation! =)

omtian!!! i FINALLY passed napfa.. goodness me.. my legs n back is aching lyk siao now can?! my legs turn jelly le.. so funny! couldn't walk properly home.. lols.. but hey! finally things r looking good for me! one hurdle down.

2day i asked many ppl do u love mee.. lols.. all e rxn so funny lar! yh was lyk 'u mad ar?!'.. jy was lyk 'huh?'.. E was lyk avoiding e qn.. lols.. relax lar.. juz playin a prank.. ha.. gtg le.. blog later! =)

when u walk away
i count the steps that u take
do u see how much i need u right now..
- when you're gone by avril lavigne

Sunday, July 22, 2007

e closure of odac investiture for e 23rd comm

investiture's finally over! everything went smoothly thnx 2 keet n nweijie.. yupz! credits to them!!!

but i juz confirmed sumthing.. 我喜欢的人背叛了我的好朋友... damn sad lar! when she first told me tt.. i was lyk omtian.. i didn't expect 'her' to actually let the cat out of the bag.. even when 'she' told me tt she was e one.. i didn't believe.. thot 'she' was juz joking.. but no.. 'she' actually did..

i feel so confused.. she told me tt maybe i ought to consider n reflect if 'she' was really worth it. all the while i thot 'she' was 'miss perfect'. all e while i trusted 'her'. nvr thot 'she' would actually do this kind of thing. my fren said tt 'she' had a totally different personality frm me. 'she' was a mugger by nature, me, a slacker by nature. 2 people from 2 completely different worlds, having 2 different personalities. sounds kinda cliche. but its reality now. how?!

shld i not confront 'her' so as to not ruin our friendship? or should i juz go ahead n put my relationship at risk? really confused.. but wat i can confirm is tt if i do ruin this friendship, the game between me n my so-called 'opponent' will be gone. no more. GAMEOVER.

still working on it.

if i could escape
and recreate a place that's my own world
and i could be your favourite girl forever
Perfectly together
tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet?
if i could be sweet
i know i've been a real bad girl
i didn't mean for u to get hurt whatsoever
we can make it better
tell me boy now wouldn't that be sweet?
- the sweet escape by gwen stefani

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

wats wif emo-ing?!

ha.. my fren mich was emo-ing e whole time i was wif her together wif ruiyin.. wth.. she lyk suddenly ask me 'dawn, y u so dua pai?' which means me hvin tt kind of show-off airs.. i asked her would u kindly explain tt n she lyk ignored me totally.. =(

one more reason y i shld do tt is this: she later told me she didn't feel lyk living anymore.. say she dun wanna commit suicide cos too ugly.. she hoped tt e plane to cambridge will crash. lyk hullo?!@ u think u e only one on e plane ar?! wth.. u wanna die but i dun want lar! same for ch n rach.. how could she hv such an irresponsible way of thinking?! i dun care if she was juz sayin in a fit of anger.. but seriously, one shld always consider e fact tt a plane crash would involve e lives of hundreds of passengers, n not only herself. y can't she reflect b4 she say? i really wanted 2 tell her ' then u go jump down e building rite now.. since u think life is meaningless. ' but i stopped myself.. cos i wasn't tt close 2 her.. if i knew wat she was depressed abt, i will hv more rights 2 say tt n advise her.

but anyway, i dun wanna die tt young.. i still wanna graduate, hv a successful career..etc.. i hvnt completed alot of things, so how can i juz leave lyk this? no way!

im gg in good faith! =)

im gonna miss him.
tell me why.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

warning: secret conflict cuming up

i dun know how u think abt me.. but seriously, if wat he said was true abt u.. i think its gonna b 'war' between us..

i may lose 2 u now.. but i will get better n better.. constant improvement will be all tt u see in e next few months.. so juz wait n see.. of course, try not to be too smug now.. im competin wif u in 2 areas..one of it being the academic area.. so sit back n enjoy e gd show tt's cumin up..

n kindly do not act innocent gal in front of me.. tt seriously puts me off so much.. same goes for ur flirtatious actions..

the game is ON.

Friday, July 13, 2007

home frm hospital!!!

ha... juz came back frm mt a. after seein e doc n doin blood test... stupid sia... had stomachache for e whole day 2day n was tryin 2 ren... until gg home then can't anymore... so decided 2 go see a doc.. n next thing i knew, mum brought me 2 mt a hospital outpatient clinic.. lols.. blood test was freaky.. cos e doc lyk drew out AIR for 2 times?! omtian... i could hv juz fainted right in frnt of him sia.. n blood really freaks me out.. but it was pretty cool 2 see ur blood in a vial...lols... n guess wat? my vein was not visible.. ha.. usually it is de.. but dunno y this time round can't see...lols...

i also received an EXTREMELY painful jab by a nurse who i think is inexperianced.. piang.. e pain was er slightly bearable.. but i felt it was worse than the blood test... grr... n after tt, i met an ex-cedarian! isnt it cool? she graduated in 1996.. so long ago! hahas...

gotta go off now... stomach's acting up again.. tadas! =) n thnx a mil gina darling! love u! muackz!!!

ahh my knee's hurtin...

great sia... my biggest present frm rock-climbing... a big blue-black... thot it was juz a normal bruise.. until it became bigger n hurt whenever i walked or bend down... grr... muz hv injured wrong part le... piang... =(

Thursday, July 12, 2007


omtian...i sooo suck at rock climbin lar!!! how to compete on sat?! i most probably pull e whole team down lar... haiz... wats wif me?!?!

puttin aside my worries... hahas... 2day was really a very slack day for me... i didn't do much work n bio lesson was lyk omtian... i didn't even manage 2 catch wat e teacher was sayin lar! wth... n i thot i lost my integration notes... lucky me... i found out it was in between my other foolscape which i didn't bring 2day... piang... felt super lost n fustrated without notes... grrr...

one more thing... 2 my dearest wr, i n zhilin was juz jk... dun so emo le ok? juz 4get abt it n move on in life... no use frownin cos of sum1 hu's not worth it k? anyways, u got me, zhilin n peilin behind u all e way!!! lols... e 3 clowns..

n to eggy... hope u did well for er sumthing-i-think-every1-knows-but-dun-really-know-wat-it-really-is impt 2day... u looked pretty emo these days... cheer up though i dun think u would noe hu im talkin abt or even lookin at this... lols... e stupid things i do... yupz n dun b so stressed le... SMILE!!! =) jiayou!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


bloggin at sch lib...for fun! =)

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

intro to new blogskin!!!

ha! finally changed blogskin le!!! i so lurv this blogskin lar! cos it really suits my taste of simplicity... =) i went thru soo much trouble chngin lar.... i 4got 2 save my template when my com suddenly lyk hung?! wth lar... then i spent another hr doin up everything again...whoops.. i think i wasted A LOT OF TIME liao... kk i better blog faster...

well...so far things r lookin a bit brighter for me... though i hv fantastically lousy results tt i think no one else would hv except me... my mum was rather understandin... she placed her utmost trust in me... seriously, which mum can be better? im not happy cos she didn't scold me or wat... but e thot tt my mum really believe in my abilities really made me face reality in a more optimistic way.. so wat if i failed almost everything? i will definitely chiong n work hard for my promos de... lyk hu wants 2 get retain lar?! no way im wastin a yr more in AJC... im juz gg 2 get it done n over wif...once n for all.. yupz... so for ppl hu encouraged me along e way..thnx a mil !!!
to wenrou, peilin, zhilin, michelle, jianyang *for wateva ogre slime thing..ha.., eugene *great sense of humor..lols..., chin hao, gina darling, felicia... n most impt of all...MUM !!! =) big thank u for being wif me thruout my 'depression' period... i will definitely work hard de... u juz wait n see!!! =p btw, hu wanna go watch hp n the order of phoenix let me know can? preferably a few days b4 i leave for cambridge lyk on e 28 or 29...thnx!!! =)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

recently taken photos in class... credits to ruiyin!!! =)

grp photo 1...try not to notice e 2 extra ppl at e back... otherwise known as e 'gay couple' of 30/07 !!! lols....=p but zhilin seems happy cos of sum1...

same thing... wow...i really lyk our f4 photo man! we rawk!!! very ps though, cos im not photogenic... ha... nice one lekshmi! really looks natural!

yeah!!! wenrou, u look cute in every photo lar!!! piang.... so jealous...hahas...=)

Friday, July 6, 2007

counting down to 30th july...

after a long talk wif i-know-who-but-u-dunno , i came to a conclusion. guys r damn INSENSITIVE. seriously. after soo many small things tt my fren did for a guy hu she lyked, she got back nothing. e guy is either really insensitive or juz purely actin dumb. lyk hullo?! she so obvious leh!!! but he's lyk totally blind. no response. totally nothing. piang eh...totally pity her lar... n she sum more got 'competitors' who flirts wif e guy but i think he's again too blind to notice wat on earth is flirtin. does being chio really means a lot to tt kind of relationship? define beauty then. apparently, being chio does give u an advantage. its not right or wrong. it is. i know i dun fall in tt category, but i seriously dun give a damn abt it, cos its not e most impt thing in my life rite now. for e present, there's only one thing i want --- gd results for promo. as for others, i think i let nature take its own course bah. studies first! as for e 'clarification' thing on 30th july... im still thinkin abt it. so dun rush me. =)

Thursday, July 5, 2007


im hvin a bad headache...
argh...feel awful rite now..
my head is lyk spinnin lar..
think cos i drank 3 cans of coffee..
1 original, 1 latte n 1 mocha
juz 2 keep me awake...
but apparently i think i overdone it...
haiz...wats wif me?
my life now seems 2 b juz channel u n nothin else...
cum on... where did my optimism go?
cheers 2 gd health!!!
bein sick now is seriously not gettin me in e mood for chiongin studies
but i WILL n MUZ get at least an A for promos...
wait n see... i will b promoted de!!! =)

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

zonked out...

really gg crazy chiongin hmwk lyk this!!!
how m i to complete all these by 2nite??
i still need 2 help gina durin my break!!
omtian...hu's gonna pull me out of this mess?!
sum1 help me =(

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

3 july...n counting down...

ok... i did quite badly for bio test... ms. r 's goin 2 call up mum i think... this would b e 1st time in my whole entire life tt a teacher would actually call up my parents...frm young until now, no teacher has EVER complained abt me... haiz... break record le...hahas... i think im gg abit siao le... laughing over my own misfortune... or perhapes i did earn it... nevertheless, i blink back my tears cos i dun wanna cry so easily...lyk hullo! im not VULNERABLE here... im no WEAKLING k?! i juz hv 2 jiayou until promos (n of course after alvls n stuff...) n yupz, look on e bright side of life! 只要笑一笑,没什么事情过不了的! =) muz hv confidence!!! since im gg for e cambridge trip too, i muz, all e more, work hard n show e teachers tt i m SO NOT e bottom end of our class!!! but of course, tt will only b applicable to me if i cum back frm london well n alive! hahas... no way im gonna juz die there... muz at least show tt i got work hard thru results!!! lols... by now, i think my family gg all 'touch wood' ... but reality is, i really dun wanna die this early... nvm... let's see how things go 2mrw... hope i did ok for gp! cos tts e only subj im ok in..lols.. tada! =)