Sunday, May 13, 2007

pissed off 2day.. currently juz venting out my anger on sum matters tt happened recently.. to the person hu i consulted.. thanx a mil... u helped suggest sum solns... really glad u were there... otherwise i might hv broke down by now.. im serious.. i really cant stand 'him'.. i feel so fustrated now lar! stressed over results not enuf...muz cum bug me wif this kind of stupid thing... if u think im not ill.. think twice! im already feeling exhaustion esp in the mental area. U think juz bcos u hv a valid reason then u can skip all this work n pass e shit to poor ppl hu r tryin their best to slug out a damn piece of work.. U r so irresponsible! sheddin responsibilities.. not takin the initiative to contribute sumthing useful... pls remember...its suppose to be GRP WORK! not juz a few ppl's work!!! if u dun even want to help out in this grp, u shld think twice n place ur priorities right.. research was all we asked for... but nothing was done... NOTHING AT ALL... this juz speaks well of how u carry urself.. as an ordinary student, as a person, as a grp member, as a leader... u ought to reflect n act accordingly to wat shld b done. at the end of the day, its not juz pulling down the whole grp... but ultimately urself... so pls bear in mind... we dun ask for more..juz contribute in a small way or another... stop giving urself excuses... time management is the key... every1 is busy..but its still how u actually place ur priorties right... hopefully im not forced to do sumthing i dislike e most... or perhapes i may juz break down n scare e ppl arnd me... if im forced to... i will break down... but whther u see it or not is another thing...

我快要崩溃了!!! 谁能帮我??? =(

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