Tuesday, May 29, 2007

i watched PIRATES!!!

i FINALLY watched pirates of the carribean 3 : at world's end !!! i was really hoping tt i could watch it b4 i went for my expedition... and guess wat?! my fren askd me if i would want 2 go watch in e afternn... tt was so zun lar! haha... so i dragged peilin along.. we went for e 4.40 show at j8.. my goodness.. imagine my shock when i saw sum1 hu i was talkin on msn for e past er.. 4 yrs? since we started talkin?.. and we only met lyk twice? so my image of him was really blank.. lols... BUT, when i first saw him..i seriously didnt recognise him at all! omtian... he looked lyk he went for a total make-over or sumthing... really reminds me of L in death note... hahas.. no offence... but tt was e first thing tt came 2 my mind.. lols.. pity i didnt take a pic.. if not can post here.. hahas.. anyway.. e movie was great!!! really had me on e edge of e seat.. but one thing sad was tt elizabeth n will was separated!!! ahh!!! how could they do this!! i was so happy when they got married in e middle of chaos?! but later on they was separated.. could only meet once in every 10 yrs... argh... i was super heartbroken man... wantd 2 cry but i reminded myself tt i was in e cinema.. so there.. no more tears! if only e show had a happy endin... haiz... so sad.. but 7 bucks was worth it... =) ppl hu hvnt watch it.. GO WATCH IT!!! i wish i could watch it again.. =p

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