Monday, May 21, 2007

jidan de tou hao fan! =)

i was really super emo today.. yelled at sum1 when i was really really pissed off... haiz...but cum to think abt it... i really shldnt hv done tht.. wat is the pt of yelling n losing ur cool over sum1 hu is not worth ur mentioning?! i seriously dun c any sense in tt immature act.. this is my reflections since this morning.. i felt a bit guilty after the yelling though most ppl said he deserved it..but does it necessarily hv 2 cum frm me? do i really want to bcum a 'mean ogre' as quoted frm sum 白痴? hahas.. really, i stopped being emo sooner than i expected.. i really hated him.. but wat can i do? 得饶人处且饶人,为了鸡蛋,我非忍不可!!! persevere to bcum a better person !!! I DUN WANNA B A MEAN OGRE!!!!!!!! =P

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