Thursday, May 31, 2007

gg for expdtn... =)

gg for expdtn 2 trengganu 2mrw... wish me luck! wun be bloggin for e next 6 days.. dun miss me!!! lols... i sound stupid.. =p jiayou! pw grp.. and odac!!!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

i watched PIRATES!!!

i FINALLY watched pirates of the carribean 3 : at world's end !!! i was really hoping tt i could watch it b4 i went for my expedition... and guess wat?! my fren askd me if i would want 2 go watch in e afternn... tt was so zun lar! haha... so i dragged peilin along.. we went for e 4.40 show at j8.. my goodness.. imagine my shock when i saw sum1 hu i was talkin on msn for e past er.. 4 yrs? since we started talkin?.. and we only met lyk twice? so my image of him was really blank.. lols... BUT, when i first saw him..i seriously didnt recognise him at all! omtian... he looked lyk he went for a total make-over or sumthing... really reminds me of L in death note... hahas.. no offence... but tt was e first thing tt came 2 my mind.. lols.. pity i didnt take a pic.. if not can post here.. hahas.. anyway.. e movie was great!!! really had me on e edge of e seat.. but one thing sad was tt elizabeth n will was separated!!! ahh!!! how could they do this!! i was so happy when they got married in e middle of chaos?! but later on they was separated.. could only meet once in every 10 yrs... argh... i was super heartbroken man... wantd 2 cry but i reminded myself tt i was in e cinema.. so there.. no more tears! if only e show had a happy endin... haiz... so sad.. but 7 bucks was worth it... =) ppl hu hvnt watch it.. GO WATCH IT!!! i wish i could watch it again.. =p

Saturday, May 26, 2007

blogthings.. =)

these are e recent tests i took for fun at blogthings.. which wr n zl recommended.. they were so crazy abt it lar! lols... =p

Your Birth Month is March
You love life and exude an outgoing, cheerful vibe.Blessed with a great sense of humor, you can laugh at adversity.

Your soul reflects: Respect, desire, and generosity

Your gemstone: Aquamarine

Your flower: Daffodil

Your colors: White and light blue

hmm...light blue is ok wif me...but white? i dunno...but i sure prefer black cos i think it looks more elegant to me! n yes! i do love aquamarine... cos im in love wif anything tt has sumthing 2 do wif water... as for great sense of humor... hahas.. i suppose tts right! but i do know of sum1 hu has a greater sense of humor!!! lols...

Your Love Is Represented By a Red Rose
You love passionately and fully, without any reservations.And while romantic love comes easily for you, you also love many people platonically. You are a true romantic, and you always can see the best in people.

for me...i think i still prefer e blue roses... though artificial, but i think they r seriously lovely... n... blue is one of my fav color!!! =p

You Are Somewhat Honest
You do tend to tell the truth a lot. But you also stretch the truth on occasion. You figure a little lie isn't a big deal. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone too much!

er...hahas...well i do tend to lie at times... no comments! =p

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


im slackin in e library now...hahas... so lame! sum1 give me crutches...

Monday, May 21, 2007

jidan de tou hao fan! =)

i was really super emo today.. yelled at sum1 when i was really really pissed off... haiz...but cum to think abt it... i really shldnt hv done tht.. wat is the pt of yelling n losing ur cool over sum1 hu is not worth ur mentioning?! i seriously dun c any sense in tt immature act.. this is my reflections since this morning.. i felt a bit guilty after the yelling though most ppl said he deserved it..but does it necessarily hv 2 cum frm me? do i really want to bcum a 'mean ogre' as quoted frm sum 白痴? hahas.. really, i stopped being emo sooner than i expected.. i really hated him.. but wat can i do? 得饶人处且饶人,为了鸡蛋,我非忍不可!!! persevere to bcum a better person !!! I DUN WANNA B A MEAN OGRE!!!!!!!! =P

Thursday, May 17, 2007

sori eggy...

i didnt know tt i was mean 2 eggy... did i really go overboard? wr juz reminded me 2day... we may b frens but perhapes sumtimes i tend 2 forget e respect tt frens ought to hv 4 each other... hmm... cum to think of it...i seem pretty mean at times... sori eggy! though i usually act mean, i really do cherish u as a fren... im juz not gd at expressin myself sumtimes.. but seriously, sumtimes i dun mean wat i say.. er... im referrin to -ve stuff here... not e positive one hor! lols... anyway... really sorry!!! hope u can forgive me n... frens forever! =) (i dun think eggy knows hu 'it' as long as i know hu eggy is can liao! =) )

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

abt previous post...

paisei... for my previous post hor..juz take tt dawn was pmsin or watsoever... haha... im feelin better after 2 days liao... muz thank e person hu reminded me tt i had such a post... i think ppl see liao muz be thinkin this girl siao one.. god knows hu she sayin abt.. haha... but my main pt was, have a sense of responsibility... yupz... its how u potray urself tt ppl will actually like n respect u.. haha.. tt reminds me of sum1... hmm... can say she's my idol lar! she was so far e person i respected e most amongst all e peers tt i hv... jiayou, jidan!!! hehe... =p

Sunday, May 13, 2007

pissed off 2day.. currently juz venting out my anger on sum matters tt happened recently.. to the person hu i consulted.. thanx a mil... u helped suggest sum solns... really glad u were there... otherwise i might hv broke down by now.. im serious.. i really cant stand 'him'.. i feel so fustrated now lar! stressed over results not enuf...muz cum bug me wif this kind of stupid thing... if u think im not ill.. think twice! im already feeling exhaustion esp in the mental area. U think juz bcos u hv a valid reason then u can skip all this work n pass e shit to poor ppl hu r tryin their best to slug out a damn piece of work.. U r so irresponsible! sheddin responsibilities.. not takin the initiative to contribute sumthing useful... pls remember...its suppose to be GRP WORK! not juz a few ppl's work!!! if u dun even want to help out in this grp, u shld think twice n place ur priorities right.. research was all we asked for... but nothing was done... NOTHING AT ALL... this juz speaks well of how u carry urself.. as an ordinary student, as a person, as a grp member, as a leader... u ought to reflect n act accordingly to wat shld b done. at the end of the day, its not juz pulling down the whole grp... but ultimately urself... so pls bear in mind... we dun ask for more..juz contribute in a small way or another... stop giving urself excuses... time management is the key... every1 is busy..but its still how u actually place ur priorties right... hopefully im not forced to do sumthing i dislike e most... or perhapes i may juz break down n scare e ppl arnd me... if im forced to... i will break down... but whther u see it or not is another thing...

我快要崩溃了!!! 谁能帮我??? =(

Thursday, May 10, 2007

odac video...LOL...

ppl!!! go watch funny videos by ODAC! LOls... singer hu zaosia is yihang...n!!! n e victim is poor jeremy... laugh to ur hearts content sia...

ENJOY!!! =)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 e bus 1st part of journey n breakfast...

day2... in e bus 1st part of journey n breakfast...

jeremy was a very retarded way! LOLS....

huiwen acting cute again..not to mention, acting photogenic!
woah...wonder wat they were discussin abt...hmm...

me n my darling's teh tarik! yumyumslurpslurp........ shiok sia!!! =)

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

day1 settin out!
me n my darling again!! =)

me n ghimmy (my kaching ie butt) =)

can u see 4 girls in this photo? if u say tt retardd-lookin person at e back is a guy, u r so wrong!

see tt EXTRA person again? always acting a girl...lols...


day1 zzz....... takin photos instead of slpin...=)

day1 zzz.... takin photos instead of slpin...=)

this was the place we slept (we copied this idea frm e guys actually...lols...)

me and my precious DARLING!!! muackz... =))
there is only 1 meinu in this photo lar! my darling of course...lols... i think i better include keet otherwise nigel will kill me!

pics taken on 1st day equipment check...

day 1 equipment check... photos of meinu...lols...

cold.... soo cold...silent mode 'vibration' ....bbrr..... im postin frm AJ com lab 1321...SO COLD!!! lyk sum1...lols... IM SO PISSED OFF BY AN IDIOT BY THE NAME OF NGJIANYANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 4, 2007

e day b4 belumut...

e day b4 belumut...
well... not exactly lar...cos its actually frm today till sat 20 00...lols...anyway, Im bloggin after i return frm my look out for pics cos im uploadin them soon!
but today (so far... dun know abt later at nite!) has been a great day so far... hmm... i know tt my timing for 2.4 is considered lousy for e guys but... well... i managed to improve on my timing!!! 13 32!!! i soooo love this no. now man.... i didnt expect 2 get 13 min plus lar! cos i timed myself er... 1 mth ago?? n i had a pathetic timing of 14 e B i lyk totally gave up n decided a B would b sufficient liao...but i didnt know i actually ran so fast this time round (ok... im not comparing wif e guys...cos my timin would b peanuts...or rather it would hv meant tt i failed for e guys criteria!! ) .... when i heard 13 32, i was totally shocked sia! goodness me...wonder wat was in my mind tt made me ran fast... i was only silently playin my now fav songs ai shang ai de wei dao n C da diao in my mind 2 distract me... lol..apparently it works! yeah...n our class had super great timings for 2.4 ... we achieved wat had earlier been branded as 'impossible' ... we persevered!!! yeah!!! class 30/07 rawkz man!!! haha.... well done lar!! =)
n 1 more thing is i received (super unexpectedly!) chocs frm sum1... lol... i thot he at first gone siao lar! i mean...who would suddenly give choc 2 every1?? firstly, e money issue... secondly, e time?? hmm....DX ar... u damn free rite? lols... but thanx anyway! tt shows im a fren of u! hahas... i dun think i bear to eat e cute chocs lar! i did take pic of it...but i dunno how 2 upload it here...will upload it next time 2gether with e belumut pics e next time then... thnx DX! frenz4eva... =) i'll b back on sat nite but i think i wait until sunday to blog abt my trip..till then...tata! wish me luck tt i'll come back in 1 piece ( n tt i will not bcum paralysed since i juz ran 2.4 and now gg for strainous trekkin??!!) LOL.... stay tuned! =))