Tuesday, April 29, 2008


mon cv was SO BLOODY COOL SIA!
91.3 FM came down to AJC
cool shit
we dedicated songs via the DJ
jickky dedicated my FAV SONG KILLA by cherish n joc!!!
omg la!
i dedicated beat it fall out boy feat john mayer
to kb, pig, yunhan n soen
he summore recorded my voice n played it LIVE
damn cool
i heard my own voice over e radio at arnd 9 plus
totally dun sound lyk me at all la!!!
i sound more lyk a.... quoted frm sum1's sms
'hiphop pop singer'
pig sounded so demure la!
total opposite of hu she rly is (oops! shhh...)
kb said it sounded totally lyk me - -
btw pig dedicated to 1108 stop n stare by one republic

1 more interesting thing is
as u can tell frm e pics below
pig's idol...
she damn funny! so shy lyk yunhan! LOL
anyways i wasnt rly a big fan of him
but still no harm in takin a photo wif him =p

paul twohill, me n e DJ

paul, pig, soen, yunhan, me n e DJ!
1 last interesting thing was...
we ran napfa 2.4km
omfg it was damn bloody freaking hot
my timing was 12 58!!!
i originally wantd 13 11 or 13 15 de
in e end
btr than wat i expected
great sense of achievement sia =p
tnf meet 2mrw
cheerleading HOT HOT HOT
hope to get our 4x400m medal on e podium sia!
lookin 4ward 2 wats cumin aft tnf meet too!!! =p
shh... my lips are sealed
gtg zz le
update soon!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

lunch today + lyrics!!!

went out wif yh 2day for lunch =)
went to eh was it called e coffee club? at ngee ann city
yum yum
at 1st didnt know whr to go eat de
then we walk walk walk
until we saw e coffee club
looked interesting
so we checked it out
gt food tt looked tempting!!!
so we ate thr lor
i ordered seafood lasagne
his was smoked salmon wif garlic cream linguini
omg e salmon is so damn nice
my seafood one too!
got squid mussels n prawns
i wan eat again la!!!
running 2.4 on mon
so gonna die man
but well
i dun regret eating! =p

c tests nxt wk
hvt rly started studying
i cant afford to fail any common tests!!!
ready to mug 2mrw =(

my seafood lasagne! =)

our iced mocha wif vanilla ice cream (eh i think e ice cream's sorta gone by now =p) n thick choc below (see e dark brown patch at e bottom of e glass? tts it! )
btw now quite crazy over this song n right here by miley
quite lyk e lyrics
alrdy dedicated right here to kb
wateva tt i wantd 2 say
was so clearly expressed in tt song
love u lots kb!!!
See You Again - Miley Cyrus

I Got My Sights Set On You
And I'm Ready To Aim
I Have A Heart That Will Never Be Tame
I Knew You Were Something Special
When You Spoke My Name
Now I Can't Wait To See You Again
I've Got A Way Of Knowing
When something Is Right
I Feel Like I Must Have Known You In Another Life
'Cause I Felt This Deep Connection
When You Looked In My Eyes
Now I Can't Wait To See You Again

The Last Time I Freaked Out
I Just Kept Looking Down
I St-St-Stuttered When You
Asked Me What I'm Thinking About
Felt Like I Couldn't Breathe
You Asked What's Wrong With Me
My Best Friend Leslie said "Oh, She's Just Being Miley"
The Next Time We Hang Out I Will Redeem Myself
My Heart Can't Rest 'Till Then
Whoah, Whoah, I
I Can't Wait To See You Again
I Got This Crazy Feeling Deep Inside
When You Called And Asked To See Me Tomorrow Night
I'm Not A Mind Reader
But I'm Reading The Signs
That You Can't Wait To See Me Again

Thursday, April 24, 2008


dunno y nowadays lyk damn lazy to update le
rather bz
wif work
wif tests
n of course chatting wif him

nw that i know thr are MORE ppl readin my blog...
i guess i cant rly put much stuff up here le
esp 1108 sophia airu n gang
their whole gang knows abt me n him lar!?
dun rly wan this kind of 'popularity' though

sports ppl hving their season these past few wks
jickky's disappearing for soccer
yunhan for tennis
pig for hockey
kb BB
kenna ps sia...
but anyway
to all of yall
dun wry...
if u 'bu shuang' them
let me know
im MS remember?
i can easily set a 'bomb' in their sch
but yar
all the best for ur matches!!!

will be gg for CO concert wif him n gina
so lookin forward to it!!
jiayou to
jer, mooncake, terence, hamster aka soen!!!

o yar
will be gg to e J2's prom
hope ppl dun ask me
'dawn wat r u doing here??'
esp e teachers
i juz wanna be wif my ex-class
hv fun b4 we all lyk go our separate ways
also most importantly
hv a great prom nite wif HIM
it has always been my wish to be a
1 nite 'cinderella'
i know how stupid this sounds but...
well... im a girl hu's rly into this kinda stuff
nvm me...
im still young at heart even though ive long crossed e '18' barrier
cant wait for prom!!!
so happy tt kb's gg too!
love u kb!!! =)

gtg do work le
common test wk nxt wk =(
totally not lookin 4ward to the TESTS
but gambatte!
for e sake of CO concert!!! =p
update soon!

Friday, April 11, 2008

命中注定我爱你主题曲 =)

九十九次我愛他 - 元若藍

全滴在他 剛才牽過我的手
橫衝直撞 我的心像一顆躲避球

如果有教授 我一定要努力修

多想帶著雷達 到他夢裡
也想拿起掃把 在他心底
不專心的念頭 哎咿哎咿 都清除啦

九十九次我愛他 少了眼皮會亂眨
每天念著他的名字 哎咿哎咿 一句不差
九十九次我愛他 少了頭髮會分岔

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

my super LONG post

loads of stuff happened since my last post
lets see if i can recall...

last wkend i went out
supposed to be wif yh, kb, jy n jon
in e end?!
jy say 'not enuf time to travel to hotel'...
so all ps me n yh
so we went to far east plaza n bought FRIED MARS BAR!!!
but extremely yummy, no doubt abt tt!
then we both sian diao..
went to jer's hse
on e way we pop into sum small gallery thing near e mrt stn
cool man.
then we took e mrt to jer's hse
frm orchard all e way to woodlands lar!
seems lyk gt too much time to kill liao.
zl was oso thr
wantd to watch island but didnt hv enuf time though
her dad's cooking was excellent!
as if it were restaurant food lar!
he oso showed us a chi erm i dunno wat u called it but
i guess u can call it a mini essay?
cool man....

mon was our heats for 4X400m
waited until 7 plus for our heats
totally nuts man
kb n pig had abit of a conflict?
cos we wantd 2 give up looking at pig so tired
but she insisted on not giving up
so glad we ran at e end
rly damn happy sia
but aft running my round
i juz collapse at e stands n couldnt get up
my legs was damn pain sia!
thank god for avril
she help rubbed deep heat rub
healed damn fast sia!
deep heat rockz man!
n yar, thnx KB for talkin to me =)
i rly appreciate tt alot!

o.. then when i went hm
tts when i fell sick
running nose - used up lyk half e tissue box within a nite
felt abit feverish too..
n e worse thing was
i still had to chiong GP hmwk (4gt to do!)
plus e geog prjt (but thnx to jeremy, he was rly understanding.. arigatou!)
felt rly sick e nxt day so took a day off
but at hm
i rly missed yh, kb, pig, yunhan n 1108 sia...
thnx 4 those hu smsd me ur concerns!
love u guyz!

went back to sch 2day
morning was totally horrible
tried my very best to stay awake cos e drowsy effect of e med
hadnt subside fully
thankfully ms sabariah was totally fine n even told me not to
go odac in this state n to rest my head if i felt unwell.
feel damn guilty for forgettin to do gp hmwk
sry ms sabariah!!
i promise i wun ever 4get !
n thr was kb n pig
im missed!
thnx to them my day didnt turn out to be so bad
in fact we had alot of gd laughs here n thr
o yar
e finals of e fdc
30 07 didnt win
but well... it sure was interesting lookin at yh cross dressing!
so cool to hv a new 'gf ' sia!

2mrw nd to go sch even though thr's no lesson?!
waste of my time
im bringing all of my tutorials to sch to do
gt test nxt wk
muz jiayou man!
nt 2 mention tt im gg 2 be damn busy on sat
chem tuition, piano class n last but not least, STEF'S BAND CONCERT
im gg wif yh mah.. tts y so IMPT!
can't wait till sat!
tt reminds me..
i btr stop spending so much $ gg 4 movies + ex lunchs + concerts
start learning e art of window shopping!!!

i guess my post is damn long liao
btr stop here
more updates soon!
ganbatte! =)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

yh's profile!!! LOL, ROFL + LOL combined

this is yh's profile thingy.
read it when u feel down.
*still laughin after 10 mins...
ouch my jaws hurt sia!

Real name: 13 (yea no kidding)
Nicknames: Chiang Yi Herng
Married: no, and never will be... too bad :P
Male/Female: after IHFDC, i cant tell
High School: bss
College: ajc
University: piss off
Short or long hair: short but want long
Are you a healthy freak: who cares about health, when its time to die, u die
Height: neglegible
Weight: neglegible too
Do you have a crush on someone?: currently, no.
Do you like yourself?: sometimes.
Righty or lefty: righty!
Piercing: to hell wif this, i dun go for thaipusam mind u
Person you see in the morning: myself? in the mirror?
Award: does a paper plane comp count?
Sport you joined: i dun do sports
Pet: spider
Vacation: HK, when i was barely 1yrs old (beat THAT)
Concert: kindergarten graduation concert
First crush: crushes are supposed to be secret
Eating: curry puff
Drinking: teh
I’m about to: go on to the next qn
Your future…
Want kids: no
Want to get married: heads up, no
Careers in mind: how nice would it be to be able to be a singer/actor/wadeva the hell tt brings u fame
Which is better?
Lips or eyes?: eyes, check out uchihas', hyuugas', allen's, and mine xD
Hugs or kisses: kiss kiss
Shorter or taller: shorter (less energy wastage)
Romantic or spontaneous: dun understand
Sensitive or loud: dun care
Troublemaker or hesitant?: are these even opposites?
Have you ever kissed a stranger: cos not. but does being kissed by a 1st 3 mths OG member on the 1st month count?
Drank bubbles: yea, saliva bubbles
Lost glasses/contacts: yes, after 1 month tt damn specs jumped (what are the paladins doing man...)
Ran away from home: yes, when i'm late for wadeva
Liked someone younger: yes
Liked someone older: yes, i like everyone
Broke someone’s heart: i tink so......
Cried when someone died: no... death is a good thing
DO you believe in…
Yourself: who else?
Miracles: nah, its all planned
Heaven: duh... i came from there
Santa claus: i murdered him 50 yrs ago
Magic: real or fake?
Answer truthfully…
Is there someone you want to be with right now: duh its yes
Do you believe in God: Theo = god

Thursday, April 3, 2008

interesting short self-intro crap

saw on jer's blog...
saw on kb's blog...
guess now's my turn!
*though i found it a little stupid...
but nvm
i'll juz try out anyway!

Real name: Lim Jiaying Dawn / Dawn Lim Jiaying *dunno which sequence lar!
Nicknames: dAwNi3, THE FAMOUS MAS SELAMAT (absolutely ridiculous), bommy (related to MS), donkey, 猴子 etc....
Male/Female: FEMALE DUH. guy's version is DON. pls get this right.
High School: CGSS =)
College: AJC
University: NUS biomedical research area.
Short or long hair: in between? haha
Are you a healthy freak: a little? can tell when i mention abt pratas n ice cream hvin loads of calories...
Height: 156cm (yes pathetic i know...haiz...)
Weight: 46.2 (trying to get back into the 45 range)
Do you have a crush on someone?: hmm.. does my bf count?
Do you like yourself?: depends
Righty or lefty: righty =)

Piercing: 'scratches head... i think its k2?
Person you see in the morning: mum =)
Award: Swimming award (4gt wat it was)
Sport you joined: swimming
Pet: RABBIT!!!
Vacation: malaysia, genting highlands
Concert: erm erm... does choir concert count? dun rly go 4 this kind of thing.. but hope i can go for more concerts, this time wif my bf
First crush: p5

Eating: just finished dinner... gummy bears? HAHA
Drinking: nothing
I’m about to: finish this blog post XD

Your future…
Want kids: yup =)
Want to get married: between 24 and 28
Careers in mind: cancer researcher, wedding gown designer (i know how funny this sounds but i did rly thot of tt)

Which is better?
Lips or eyes?: eyes
Hugs or kisses: hugs
Shorter or taller: taller!
Romantic or spontaneous: a little of both.. or maybe abit more to e romantic side?
Sensitive or loud: sensitive pls...
Troublemaker or hesitant?: troublemaker =p

Have you ever...
Kissed a stranger: OMG DUH NO!
Drank bubbles: wth is tt??
Lost glasses/contacts: dropped mine in e sea?!
Ran away from home: i love home. no thanks. plus the money issue.
Liked someone younger: hmmm EC counted?
Liked someone older: yup... was seriously blind =(
Broke someone’s heart: recently yes
Cried when someone died: yes.

DO you believe in…
Yourself: depends
Miracles: 废话... doesn't my blog url say it?
Heaven: YES
Santa claus: not rly... whr's my present frm santa??
Magic: sumtimes
Answer truthfully…
Is there someone you want to be with right now: my bf?
Do you believe in God: yup. im a christian. =)

can't wait for sat!!! =)

o yar abit random lar
but i think this song's quite sweet
juz lyk my bf =)
but minus e 1st verse thnk u.

Our Song - Taylor Swift

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car
He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart
I look around, turn the radio down
He says baby is something wrong?
I say nothing I was just thinking how we don't have a song
And he says...

Our song is the slamming screen door,
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
Cause it's late and your mama don't know
Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her, and I should have
And when I got home ... before I said Amen
Asking God if he could play it again

I was walking up the front porch steps after everything that day
Had gone all wrong and been trampled on
And lost and thrown away
Got to the hallway, well on my way to my lovin' bed
I almost didn't notice all the roses
And the note that said...

[Repeat Chorus]

I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song...

Cause our song is the slamming screen door
Sneaking out late, tapping on his window
When we're on the phone and he talks real slow
Cause it's late and his mama don't know
Our song is the way he laughs
The first date man, I didn't kiss him, and I should have
And when I got home, before I said Amen
Asking God if he could play it again