Sunday, January 31, 2010

Confessions of a very extremely super broke girl

urgh blocked nose =(
lazing arnd at home
it's rly nice to be able to do anything you want on a weekend=)

this wk was a pretty ...
well i wld say eventful and rollercoaster-like wk
bad stuff first up then

yep had many quarrels wif him
over many things
first was over smth i said tt hurt him
next came the independent speech from me
followed by the 'jealous factor'
i guess the most impactful of all wld be the last one
but o well
we still managed to clear up the all in the end
mentally taxing
but yeah still survived thru in the end
ultimately unbreakable i hope=)

happy things now!
apart from the clearing up of our quarrels
met up wif the royal highnesses hahahah
jon's enlisting into NS this coming thurs
we can't send him off though
so our meeting was our last meeting wif him b4 he goes in!
kinda sad though
nxt time wan meet up wld be harder le bah
will miss him haha
he dyed his hair!
and shorts! o.0
went to miss clarity @ thomson
not a rly nice place n the food's sad =(
kb n i shared a bottle of beer
forgot the name haha
tkb tag me on the name of the beer leh lol
i quite like the taste of the beer though
not tt i'm a beer lover
but the taste's rly mild haha
so it's nice to me
jy agrees too
but kb n jon disagrees
o well they always support each other anyway... =p
chatter and loads of laughs abt kb
ROFL. international marriage ceremonies hahahahhaha
miss them big time
i was pretty upset wif him at tt time
but wif the 3 of them
i always switch mood to being happy=)
kb, jy, jon = <3

will be meeting up wif gina nxt sunday lunch=)
will ask her to bring ivan along while i bring yh
but yeah she met yh b4 le haha
official meeting wif her bf!
can't wait!

o ya bought a blue dress from hypnosis and a pair of slip-ons from charles and keith
already bought 6 diff pieces of clothing - -
still wanna buy
- tights
- white n black tube top
- white shoes! URGENT
- coin purse (the wallet bro bought for me dun hv pouch for coins!!!)
- bag (psst i saw a white carlo rino bag @ bhg lovesssss... but $95 omfg) maybe can aim for a charles n keith bag?
- undergarments (will settle by this wk - - BROKE)

huge sigh
how am i gg to hv enough $ for vday n bday presents?!
stupid pay will only come earliest on the 8th
bloody hell
lucky i no nd contribute to cpf hehehehe
can't wait for pay!!!
i may hv to eat into my this month's savings =(
i promise i'll save more nxt month!!!
o god pls bless me wif better finance management...


Signing off,
the very extremely super broke girl
P.S. Anyone care to donate to the 'Dawn's Needy Foundation'? Cash and cheque accepted. Lunch and dinner treats are also accepted. Thank you for your generosity=)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

boss is being a total bitch today
he wants me to sit in a lecture tmr jus to see if there's anything worth as an article wtf
nvm tt the content of the lecture is totally irrelevant
the stupid lecture goes on for a whole fucking day
wth wth
total waste of my time
can hv one more article on the patients or volunteers he dun wan
purposely wan to throw this kinda shit to me
and my executive is like totally taking things so easy so relaxed
got interns tt supposed to report to the venue for work attachment at 930
he came at 10 and still make them wait another 15mins
seriously wad is wrong wif the ppl here la.
working in such a shitty department rly makes me mad sometimes
yet i can't rly say much since 'the walls have ears'
much thanks to my blog since it allows me to bitch wadeva i wan lol
no restrictions, no worries.

Monday, January 18, 2010

finally updating - -

v long nvr update blog le
supposed to be at work actually but o well...

work's boring
during dec still got student volunteers here to rly chat up the entire day
still remain in contact with them
amazingly i thought my social circle would expand because of my collegues
in the end it turns out that i'm rly closer to the volunteers and of course Kim=)
first half of the day was absolutely crazy
not that it was my fault
but huge relief that everything's settled down more or less... for now
left abt 6 wks before my contract ends here
will start looking for another job during feb
still contemplating if i shld only start work aft my birthday
working life rly sucks
the only gd thing abt it is the obvious: $
even so
pay sucks totally.
but yeah there are ppl much worse off
and who wld ever be lucky enough to work under a super flexible manager and an ultra-slack collegue?!
told mum i'll never play office politics
but like it or not
you'll be in it once you step into the company
it's so extreme until 'the walls have ears, hush'
i guess this is THE WORKING LIFE

it's been pretty rocky wif him
realized that long-term relationships are rly hard to maintain
i can now say for sure: HONEYMOON PERIOD'S OVER.
getting upset at each other seems to be the norm now for us
it would be rare if we can last a day without getting upset at each other
that's how bad it is now.
we proclaimed at the start that we'll last till marriage
but woah it's rly not that simple
there's... rly too many differences and clashes of interest
our thinking and mentality towards various issues are completely different
perhaps even like avatar vs human - -
we can't see eye to eye for 99.9% of the time
sometimes i feel that being friends is a far more wise decision...
and there's the problem of having a guy who's currently serving NS
never mind that we spend less time with each other
when he books out he's usually so tired
the mood...
plus now that i'm working
voila - even less time
because of all these, i realize
being independent is of utmost importance
he's never physically there when i'm sick or when i'm facing a crisis
and no, smses via hp does not help all the time.
sometimes when i expect something that normally guys would do and he does not fulfil it
i get really disappointed and think to myself
why can't he learn?
but yeah the bottom line is
that's when you lessen the disappointment by a whole damn lot.
i guess i'm rly slow at learning that - -

3 of my student volunteers are coming on wed to visit me whoopee!
meeting up with the queen, the king and the prince lol
(so what am i? the royal pet toad? - -)
the prince is gg NS sooooon
so must meet up more haha
miss them loads
hopefully hopefully meeting up wif gina darling on sat for lunch=)
hvt catch up wif her for a long long time man
miss her too=)

gtg do a little work before knocking off in an hr's time

btw bro's joining NCC!!! Whee so happy for him=)
restaurent promotions here i come=)