Tuesday, September 22, 2009

prelims are finally finally over
though i started slackin since last fri - -

watched 'the ugly truth' wif kb last fri aft our bio paper ended
we kept LOL-ing throughout the entire show
rather crude, as someone puts it,
but definitely an enjoyable one=)

went over to yh's hse on sat for bbq
met his cousins
how interesting!
it was like i cld rly 'click' wif them
though san being pri4 but i got along rly well wif her=)
o and her sis is rly like me LOL
laughing much and being in a cca which we dun look like haha!
btw yeah she's J2 too haha more in common!
gained 2 new frens now=)

sunday was our delayed 1.5 anniversary
of which much unhappiness surrounded it before sunday
but sunday turned out great=)
he surprised me wif a BLUE ROSE!!!
e first n last time he bought flowers was v day
so it was rly a pleasent surprise haha
not cos of e flower
but the fact tt he got a flower=)
could'nt find the white dress i wanted
so bought a v sweet white blouse instead 'beams
and that was his present to me
went to hv lunch at katong laksa
then head back to raffles city springfield
whr i bought for him the black collared shirt=)
looked abit small at first but man
i think he looks much gd-looking in black
(yeah yeah besides the fact that i do love looking at guys who wear decent looking black collared shirts, short/long sleeves. Makes them more dressed up and guy-ish, don't you think?)
went swensen's for dinner
then PS for 'the ugly truth' which, yes, i'm watchin again
cos i rly love how tt show makes me laugh n tt happy ending!
rly happy tt day=) and it marked an end to our unhappiness before=)

then fast forward to today!
math p2 was BEYOND BLEAK.
i guess this'll be the last time i'm failing math bah.
went to AMK Lib for books then had budget lunch wif kb n jon
then we went to j8
passed by the mooncake exhibition hehe
saw loads of interesting flavours
wad wif blackforest (urgh tt was way too sweet =( )
champagne flavour (no sample for tt ='( )
and yeah many other weird flavours
then we shopped at nature republic
whr we each bought a bottle of nail polish
i bought omg light blue!? first of my kind
i'm usually into bronze or dark purple or mother-of-pearl
my first blue!
which i happily painted on my toe nails at home a few hrs ago=)
then watched 'gamer' wif kb
yeah its m18 no doubts abt tt - -
but e plot was pretty cool though
cos i'm into such computer-game-turn-reality kinda stories
eg Givenchy Code - thumb's up for tt man!
and the actor's the same as 'the ugly truth'!
o yeah Gerard Butler =)

am now engrossed in reading my lib books
until my hell comes back
and for 2mrw
besides gg over to his hse for swimming
i have at least 4 stacks of articles sitting on my mind
waiting for me to complete my index-ing.
can't they even give us a break - -

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