Monday, July 13, 2009

got back all my papers le
but didnt take gp n bio cos was sick
still had to sit for bio structured qns as a timed prac
totally died on tt man
gp's coming up soon this wk

failed everything so far
feeling kinda...
i dun rly know how to describe
sad definitely cos thru-out my entire jc life
i keep failing n failing
but kinda expected though
considering the fact tt i didnt put in much effort esp math
which earned me tt pathetic result
i nd to stop shunning math jus bcos its my weakest n start practicing =(
only 8 wks to prelims
4 months to A lvls
seriously how the heck am i gg to survive during this last lap?!
rly feel hopeless at times
but somehow
i always manage to squeeze out a smile and say
'everything's gonna be okay'
maybe i shld stop decieving myself
obviously everything's not gonna be okay from the looks of things now
unless i'm gonna give my full for the remaining time
wish i had tt kind of motivation for O's
tt kind of thinking tt nth mattered more to me than getting the grades tt i wanted

been also thinking
i shld also start to cut down e time tt i go out
as well as slack
increase the time for completing hmwk n most importantly
rly hard for me to
since most of e time when i go out
it's always wif yh
n now tt his 6 wk stay in course started
it also means i only get to meet him on wkends
which is already painful enuf for me
kor told me
'you alrdy survived tekong, now sure can la'
but rly,
jus bcos i survived one lvl of hell doesnt mean i can for e subsequent lvls

also worried for kb
looking at her today...
i guess now's a rly bad time tt we hv to pull thru tgt
jiayou bah!

i want to find back my motivation
i must find back my motivation
i need that motivation
god help me.

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