Sunday, July 27, 2008

the same boring life that i always have

i know i hvt been blogging much
ps cos nowadays
-no interest in blogging
-no time (fully dedicated to darl, frens n studies)
this whole wk has been real hectic
so much work la
siao man...
everyday slp at 1 or 2 plus
again i ask myself the same qn
is it worth it?
is doing hmwk more impt than getting a gd rest?
i guess as singaporean students we hvt got much of a choice
as reflected in the recent straits times
i think its e sunday times last wk
the special report featured on pri sch students not getting enough slp
the reason?
i think perhapes we do need to look further into our education system
as jy has pointed out in his ppt
we singaporean students has been learning through sheer 'memorizing'
and not 'understanding'
which of course explains why singaporeans cant think creatively and
more innovatively as compared to foreigners from countries like finland
where their children attend sch for about 4 hours
but yet overall they seem to be able to handle situations better
as compared to our local students
we need to move away from our rigid education system and change the way
students perceive education as.

k i think im rly gg crazy over gp
cos recently just did an essay
is the education system in your country effective in producing good citizens?
i spent alot of effort on it and desperately hope can get a decent grade for tt

anyway back to my life
went lib today
stupid jon pangseh
he woke up late and decided to go ahead wif his 'chore'
in other words DOTA
wth la
darl went for e garden festival wif his family
miss him loads
mum v nice
she brought home made lunch for me n kb n jy
fried rice n spinach n fried chicken wing
plus water chestnut drink
was v productive today
partly cos darl not around =p
no source of distraction
came across this funny conv
younger sis was holding a pencil and a sharpener
younger sis : can help me sharpen ?
elder sis : sharpen yourself la
younger sis: i cant sharpen myself, im sharp enough *pokes
me n kb keep bie-ing our laughter la
but i think e 2 sisters know la

o ya
mum told me smth v disgusting she saw
she was in e train when she saw this young couple
they were sitting down and e guy had his hand around the girl's shoulder
suddenly e guy started
get this right
tickling HER TITS
wth la!
n e girl simply say (in chi... they were chi speakin)
'stop it la... you very naughty leh! hehehehe...'
don't they have any shame??
its called public transport leh
not secret rendezvous!
dad say shld hv taken photo and send to STOMP
young couples these days are rly gg too far
esp in the area of PDA
otherwise known as
Public Display of Affections
'shakes head
but i think tt disgusting action above cant even be classified as PDA
i thought tt wld come under outrage of modesty
but since tt girl likes to give the impression tt she's all for such sexually
disgusting acts
i have nth to say
except tt she's a total disgrace to the women population.

k got to go continue chionging work le
shall try my best to continue blogging for alap
tata! =)

i've been trying to get down to the heart of the matter...

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