Wednesday, April 11, 2007

my very 1st post!!!!!

yo...finally i have my very own blog (private private!) ... can't really say whatever i want in my other blog, also known as my gp blog...

today was my very lucky (or to some ppl it may not be lucky) day, because the bio test was postponed to nxt wk!!! at first i was really happy, cause as u ppl know, im considered a slacker... But at least slightly better as compared to some prodded ppl...ahem...shall not say their names... Well, today was ODAC's water proficiency 'test' or rather juz normal swimming n fun!! Yups, most ppl would know tt i hvnt swam for donkey years now... Wearing e swimming costume was EVEN MORE WEIRD!!! i mean, come on, you jolly well know tt my 身材's not gd at all lar! So yar...basically i looked weird... But overall e activity was fun! mainly bcos i LOVE h2O ! lols.... shall stop here for now...till then, tata!!! =)

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