Saturday, April 28, 2007

trekkin practice frm mac to bukit timah... =)

today was our trekkin practice for e gunung belumut trip (which is juz nxt wk!!). we trekked frm macritchie reservoir to bukit timah nature reserve. loads of stuff happened in btwn...well...mostly funny stuff though! haha...marcus was e main joker arnd since he started burping frm e start of e journey until e end?! but of course it wasnt continuous as he didnt hv enuf air...LOLS... another funny thing was e names tt we gave to e diff mud puddles... which includes horlicks, milo dino, ice blended mocha, teh sumthing....the list goes on... lame quotes include...the slope is slippery, dun fall asleep and the mud is very muddy... LOL...
then there were the casualties too... gina fell n had several cuts (kakei whr on earth were u when she needed help??) which was quickly cleaned n dressed by jocelyn senior... diana also sprained her ankle durin the journey....sad to see casualties here...but luckily both wasnt tt serious...
next comes e dirty part... my shoes were covered in mud lar!! poor me...hv to go wash lyk siao 2mrw liao...haiz... veron took a pic of our shoes...shall try ask her 2 send me e pic so i show u ppl how muddy the mud shoes were...lols...
but though e journey was long n strainous, we were pushed to e limits in terms of physically n mentally, which was an important lesson for all of us to learn... yupz... so overall, this was a veri gd experiance for odacians (those hu came) and veri gd trainin... tts all for e trek then...i dun really know when will be e next time im postin but i will definitly blog loads on e gunung belumut trip (im in e reporter ic team, so there...). till ppl!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007


today was our team's presentation for e youth for causes project. after much chiongin, we finally finalized our team's proposal and also our 'speech' (last min again!)... i was super nervous lar! sg n kat seemed pretty nervous and worried too... only eugene was e calmest person arn...LOL... anyway, when we were waitin for our turn to present, a photographer requested for our team plus another of AJ's team (our competitor) to take a photo. lol...muz hv looked quite retarded cos i was really scared at tt point of time. but i was a little amused at wat he said after e photo... "tomorrow muz buy newspaper..maybe got our photo..." LOL!!! haha...actually, i wouldn't mind at all if our team's photo was featured in e newspaper...i would hv cut out e article and frame up lar!

then next was our presentation...guess who was 1 of our judges?? EUNICE OLSEN!!!! big oh my tian.... i was starin at her with my mouth gaped open widely... seriously too shock at wat i was seeing... but she seemed quite ok...except for e fact tt she kept questionin us things tt can be found in our proposal... but nvm, we dun mind explainin if it means increasing e probability of our grp being accepted for e project. still, i think i screwed up BIG time! cos i was toooooo nervous!!! lyk im doin an exam or wat...haiz... need to improve op liao!

after our presentation, a young er..couple? came to our team and ask if they could interview us, sayin tt they were from citibank!!! wah, how lucky can we get man!!! so we happily answered any questions they posed. they seemd pretty impressed with our idea (wun say in case got ppl copy idea...shh...) and oso took a photo of our team, or to be precise, 2 photos. but 1 funny thing is tt e guy only ask for eugene's and my name. strange.... but if our team photo gets published,
hopefully e probability of us getting e sponsorship is higher! =)

but nevertheless, we really tried our best and hope they r touched by our sincerity to carry out the fund-raisin project for Club Rainbow! yeah!!! D.E.S.K rawkz!!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

ahhh!!!!! interview 2mrw.....

yo... im finally back! can't really blog much as I'm suppose to be doing my proposal for NYAA residential project thing... but hey! our group got chosen lar! super happy sia...=) we need to really jia you for 2mrw...cos interview's 2mrw... feelin a bit scared...haha... but nevertheless, we will not give up!

anyway, that was juz e 1st piece of gd news... 2nd goin to CAMBRIDGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as in europe??!! omg...i couldn't believe it when i first received e sms... so broke after e trip lar! lol... but still if i dun go, i will seriously regret for LIFE!!! muz wait until aug then go...

so i shall stop here for now... JIAYOU TO ME, EUGENE, GHIMMY AND KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

my very 1st post!!!!!

yo...finally i have my very own blog (private private!) ... can't really say whatever i want in my other blog, also known as my gp blog...

today was my very lucky (or to some ppl it may not be lucky) day, because the bio test was postponed to nxt wk!!! at first i was really happy, cause as u ppl know, im considered a slacker... But at least slightly better as compared to some prodded ppl...ahem...shall not say their names... Well, today was ODAC's water proficiency 'test' or rather juz normal swimming n fun!! Yups, most ppl would know tt i hvnt swam for donkey years now... Wearing e swimming costume was EVEN MORE WEIRD!!! i mean, come on, you jolly well know tt my 身材's not gd at all lar! So yar...basically i looked weird... But overall e activity was fun! mainly bcos i LOVE h2O ! lols.... shall stop here for now...till then, tata!!! =)