Wednesday, May 28, 2008


i know i hvnt been blogging much
so nw
this is gonna be a SUPER LONG ONE
prepare urself!

as most of u hv known
i went for e ABCDE thing (class leader)
its basically a 6 day leadership training camp
may i emphasize
i missed home, family n of course, darl
common sense wld tell u tt we surrended our valuables to
e instructors on e very 1st day
but thing is
so 'shrugs wadeva...
shall blog abt wat hppnd each day
if i can remember (cos i hv stm as most ppl wld hv known)

this was an extremely sad day sia
v v v she bu de darl
so he sorta pei wo until yck stn
then b4 i surrended my hp
i called him juz to say 'see u soon in 6 days time!'
felt lyk cryin lar
but darl says tt can be training for e following 2 yrs
i seriously wonder how im gonna survive at tt time
thr were
as usual
ppl hu didnt report on time
so our camp chief aka instructor shaam (sum of u may know he's ODAC p)
made us do pumping AT E FREAKIN TRACK
tts exactly how i got e bruises on my knees
every1 was forced due to e camp theme
'one for all, all for one'
which at e end of e day
felt rather meaningful
then nxt aft we settled in our bunks which was
juz actually classrooms (1133 for me)
we went for values workshop
rly tried my best to stay awake
i did take notes down in my notebk
btw juz 2 add my notebk pages was all black
cool rite??
darl said was cool so... haha! =p

this was e start of pure hell
we moved to LAC
i been thr lyk 6 times (including this time)
- - totally sian diao
played general games n high e n rock climbing
also had sandcastle building planning n discussion
a rather long tiring day
1 thing to note was tt our instructors malikka, wei lun n charlie liew
facilitated us aft every activity tt we did
askd many qns tt rly got us reflecting
this was wat made e experiance an eye-opening one bah
lastly we had vision workshop part 1
in which e 3 class leaders got tgt to rly think of our class vision

today's e most back-breaking day man!
in case i didnt explain earlier
our grp did on e asthestics area of AJ campus 2038
will post on blog if thr's a pic of our final masterpiece
nearly drove us crazy cos e part we were workin on kept crumbling down
but still we persevered on n introduced flexibilty
(u can tell tt was part of e reflection thingy)
so our final sandcastle structure was still successful =)
we also played general stns
n had e conflict management workshop as well as
the continuation of vision workshop
we also discussed on our SL proj tt was given to us during e camp
was rly rly damn funny lar!
our team included yilin n her class leaders
had a great laugh durin discussion time
but anyway here's e gist of our SL proj
we're organizing activities to interact wif the elderly at xin yuan community care
loads of funny ideas was brought up here!!! ROFL
at nite
i had a very bad headache
had problems even walkin straight
totally crazy man
plus e fact tt i had digestive probs during e 1st 2 days
so cos of tt i was brought to e sick bay
sry instructor malikka, weilun n charlie for worryin abt me!
took med n slept
also muz thank dear madelyn n yilin for being there =)
love u girls!

woke up n felt much better
but still had abit of stomach prob....
since it was raining
we went indoors n played games
aft which was e 1st aid workshop
wish darl was e 1 conducting e workshop
nxt up we had e values workshop part 2
then we discussed e final details of SL proj
and tryin out e games we planned
pretty interesting
poor yilin had constipation
didnt know wat to do to help her
cos i didnt had med for constipation
only had e charcoal pills which helps diarrhea
we also practiced fine-tunin our singing HAHA!

its e SL day 2day! (at e same time counting down
to land ex n last day =p)
went to e community centre n picked up e elderly ppl
had a lot of fun interacting wif them n playin e games
but yar
thr's e lang barrier
i only knew abit of teochew
all of them spoke diff dialects including teochew
had a hard time communicating
thankfully sum of them understood chinese
but thru this SL i learnt alot frm e elderly ppl
seriously alot
was a very enriching experiance =)
aft SL was emotional SOS workshop
then we slept slightly earlier to prepare ourselves for e land ex

DAY 5 at 10 plus
gettin ready for land ex
pretty excited n scared
madelyn we can do it!!! jiayou!!!

we trekked frm AJ to bedok jetty
set off arnd 11pm n reached at 5 30am plus
i n mad talked alot of stuff
so tt kept us distracted frm e fatigue n stuff
finally when we reached
e sense of accomplishment was juz too immense
rly wonder hw we managed to make it so far sia
WE GIRLS RAWK! (me, mad n yilin)
back at AJ
we had grad ceremony
received cert n e ABCDE shirt
also had a great lunch n bid farewell to 'inspector malikka', instructor 48 and 'uncle charlie'
damn funny la the 3 of them
plus e gay couple (brandon n instructor 48)
will miss them loads
of course i'll also miss my sisters
mad n yilin tigger!
u guyz r rly great man...
love u guyz loads!

e camp was a great experiance
plus its cos of all e pumpin tt i hv stronger arm muscles now sia
'campers, 50 down'
'pumpin position now!'
'campers where's ur sense of urgency??'
i'll nvr 4get this whole experiance

so there
will try blogging more consistently
signing off...

Monday, May 5, 2008


went for aj co concert on sat wif darl

met up wif kor n mich for dinner
went kfc at tpy hub
then we made our way to tiong bahru mrt stn
went to e nearest florist to buy sunflowers for jer n mooncake
(yeah i know its totally last min...)
met gina n her fren outside SCH
sat at e 2nd row
omg la
so close
cld see jer damn clearly
tt silly girl
keep smiling to herself when she saw us
sha gua
but ya
rly happy to see her on stage performing
mooncake too!
wasnt as obvious
but later i read her blog
she say she heard me call her name la!
my voice too distinct liao
but darl say its gd so she knows im thr for her too
overall e concert was v gd
though its my 1st time listening to CO concert
but i felt it was a gd ear-opening
(k i dunno if gt such term ornot.. HAHA) experiance
best thing is
its wif darl =)

after CO concert
we went bk to bishan for supper
at (isit called the coffee club or smth liddat?)
originally wantd 2 try e cheesecake but damn suai
so darl bought apple crumble instead
i bought juz plain ice tea
(boohoo... was actually quite hungry de but cos i had ulcer so damn pain... )
so tt marked e end of my wonderful saturday

damn sad cant go for choir concert
so qiao grandma's bdae on tt day
otherwise i confirm go de lor!
gambatte jon! i'll be supporting u mentally while enjoying
my 10 course dinner =p

k gtg chiong geog essay le